Is your creature fierce or friendly?

Congo class children have been busy working on a 3-d creative project. First, they looked at different sculptures of dragons, from different countries and in different time periods. The Chinese dragons were amazing!  

Next, they spent some time drawing facial expressions, noting how facial features like eyebrows can affect how friendly or fierce a creature can appear. 

After that, they experimented with different joins, which included split pin, double-sided tape and using a glue gun. 

The children then designed their own 3-d creatures, and worked collaboratively to make their models. The results were stunning!  They most definitely showed great expressions. The children also had to consider the stability of each model. 

Here are some examples we made. When the children evaluated their models, lots of them realised that probably the strongest joining method was using split pins. However, for a lot of children, using double-sided tape was a new technique. And who knew clothes pegs could be so good at holding material in place whilst it dries?  What amazing creations you have made, Congo Class!

Visit by Sizewell Staff

Many thanks to Ann and Jo, our visitors from the Sizewell nuclear plant, who gave fantastic talks to the key stage 2 classes. All the children had been learning about energy sources, and a little about the new Sizewell C reactor. This meant that they were able to engage with our visitors in some depth. As well as a really informative slideshow and discussion, the children also enjoyed the challenge of a team building activity. They had to imagine they were creating their own power station using gravity as the generator. What a challenge!

Many thanks to Sizewell and EDF who delivered these talks.

A Very Creative Way To Explore Tables

Children in Congo Class have been investigating the patterns made by different times tables, using a 10-point circle. They made points on the circle for each ‘ones digit’ up to twelve, then joined up the points. The patterns made are incredibly interesting, and helped us the see some connections between different tables. What amazing work you’ve all done!

Forest Schools – Tuesday 22nd November