Learning to bring out the best in everyone.
Jesus said ‘I have come that you may have life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10). He calls us to a full life in mind, body, heart and spirit. Consequently, our vision is ‘learning to bring out the best in everyone’ – our children, our staff and the members of our whole-school community – through ‘living life in all its fullness.’ Our aim is to develop happy, healthy, confident, responsible and respectful children who delight in learning and to enable each child reach his or her full, God-given potential.
The Governing Body, including our parent governors, have recently been working on our school values and the Strategic Plan. This document very clearly sets out the strategic priorities for 2024 and how they sit alongside our school’s ethos (I have come that you may have life in all its fullness. John 10:10), our five core values (courage, responsibility, well-being, respect and curiosity), and our curriculum drivers (lifelong learners, healthy for life, at the heart of our community, environmentally aware and rights respecting citizens of the world).