Growmeown and Waterette

“Growmeown, Growmeown, wherefore art thou Growmeown?” are, of course, Waterette’s famous lines from the allotment-based version of Shakespeare’s classic play. Let’s hope this weekend isn’t a tragedy though as the school’s Sensory Garden, featuring our two wonderful star-crossed scarecrows – Growmeown and Waterette –  is thrown open as part of Fressingfield Open Gardens Festival! The garden was developed initially by children in Year 6 who were keen, following the disruptions of Covid, to develop a space in the school where children could take time out – a calm space away from the busy playground. They wrote to local businesses and our district councillors and raised the money used to create the space. The bench in the centre of the garden was built by Mr Cossey and Ted earlier in the year, and we think it’s great. The shed in the corner of the garden is our Reflective Shed. This was provided by Rev Susan as a contemplative, spiritual space and the two spaces work very well together. On the right, the school gardeners are growing an area of swishy grass and wild flowers to provide colour and support for wildlife.

The scarecrows themselves were made by members of the Gardening Club who meet on Tuesday lunchtimes. They are supported by the wonderful Mrs Lyndsey and Ms Kalinauckas to whom we would like to say a huge, “Thank you!”